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Photo: Aleksi Wildhagen

Education from The National Academy of Art and Design, Diploma in textile 1973, Oslo Norway, University of Oslo, Bachelor degree Art history, 1995. Work in my own studio since 1975. Member of different Norwegian Art Unions; Norwegian Association of Visual Artists, The Norwegian Association of Textile Artists, The Norwegian Drawing Association and The Association of Norwegian Painters. Works presented at numerous solo shows, group exhibitions in museum and galleries in Norway, France, Holland and Poland. Work of the artist decorates public buildings in Norway. Board member of different national Art Committee and work as an art consultant of public art.

I am a visual artist. I work both as a painter and textile artist, as well as with drawing on paper.

My textiles are often large, monochrome surfaces which show an abstract minimalist approach. The format is experienced as a physical presence revealing the strength of expression and maximum perception of colour. The colour fields are built up through several stages of working with different colours and tones.
My concern is with simple, repetitive details and with a minimalist expression where form and content are reduced to simple geometric fields. The compositions are made of horizontal and vertical elements where contrasts occur between transparent versus opaque strokes, expressionistic versus static areas – and also how the surface receives light.
The content of a work of art, in my view, find their expression in composition, in the sum of the inner tension.
In my textiles I use different kind of canvas/fabrics for my media which are subsequently prepared for painting. I use acrylic in my textiles. I also paint on plywood and MDF upon which I glue different textile qualities, depending on what I want to express.




JORUNN STEFFENSEN, born 1950 in Skien, Norway.  



The Norwegian Association of Visual Artists (NBK)

The Norwegian Association of Textile Artists (NTK)

The Norwegian Drawing Association (TF)

The Association of Norwegian Painters (LNM)                                                                                                                             
Visual Artist in Telemark (BIT)



2007,08         Oslo National Academy of Arts. Continuing education for artists, The reactive painting, Photoshop.

1996,97         Department of Art in Space, Oslo. Art in Space Course I + II

1993,95         University of Oslo, Norway. Philosophicum and Bachelor degree in Art history

1969-73        The National Academy of Art and Design, Oslo, Norway.



2018              The Relief Fund for Visual Artists (BKH), Exhibition Grant.

2017              The Relief Fund for Visual Artists (BKH), Exhibition Grant.

2016              The Norwegian Association of Artist (NBK), Project support.

2015              The Norwegian Art Council,  Exhibition Grant.

2014              Skien Town Council, Travel Grant.

2013              Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (NK), Support from The Norwegian Foreign Ministry.

2000-17        The National Guaranteed Income for Artist.

1996              Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts (NK), Fund for Visual Artist, 1 year Study Grant.

1990-92        The National Work Grant for Artists.

1990              Telemark County, Equipment Grant. 

1986              The National Material Grant for Artists.

1984              Skien Town Council, Travel Grant.

1983              The Norwegian Art Council, Equipment Grant.

1980              The National Travel and Study Grants for artists.

1978              Telemark County Artist Bursary. 



2018              I PROSESS, Skiens kunstforening / Committee of Art, Ibsenhuset, Skien Norway.  

2017              FARGER I FLATEN, Soft art gallery, The Norwegian Association of Textile Artists, Oslo Norway.

2015              ABSTRAKTE FORMER, Telemark Kunstsenter, Regional Art Center, Skien Norway.

2009              Telemark kunstsenter, Regional Art Center, Skien Norway. 

2003              Norske Tekstilkunstnere, The Norwegian Association of Textile Artists, Oslo Norway.

1997              Kunstnerforbundet / art gallery, Oslo Norway.

1991              Porsgrunn Kunstforening / Committee of Art, Øvre Frednes Kulturhus, Porsgrunn Norway.

1989              ​Skiens Kunstforening / Committee of Art, Ibsenhuset, Skien Norway.  

1985              Galleri Sørhalden / art gallery, Halden. Norway.

1984              Kongsberg Kunstforening / Committee of Art, Kongsberg Norway.

1983              Galleri Kaserna/ art gallery,  Skien Norway.



2018*             Paintings, a walking Art exhibition produced by Telemark Art center [2018,17,16,15,14]

2017*             Annual Art Exhibition [2017,16,15,14,13,11, 10] Regional Art Center, Skien Norway 

2017              Det store mjuke øyeblikket, Finnskogutstillingen 2017, NTK 40 år, Finnskogen Norway

2016              Oslo Town Hall Gallery, Artist Association, Oslo Norway

2015              Sørlandsutstillingen 2015 på Bomuldsfabrikken Art hall, Arendal Norway 

2014              Sørlandsutstillingen, Annual Art Exhibition, Southern Norway [2014,12,03 and 1992].
2014*             Sørlandsutstillingen, Annual Art Exhibition, Southern Norway [2014,12,03 and 1992]

2013              The 14. Internasjonale Textile triennale, Lódz, Poland.

2009              Telemarksutstillingen, Art Exhibition at Skien-, Kragerø-, Tinn- and Seljord Commitee of Art.

2009              Hommage a Jytte Lindhard, Galleri Gaia, Art Gallery Bornholm Denmark

2008              A.S.A.P. jubileumsutstilling for kunstnere i Telemark, Skiens Art Commitee, Skien Norway

2005              Det var en gang..- eventyret i kunsten, Telemarksgalleriet, Art Gallery, Notodden Norway

2004              Galleri Stadskleiv, Art Gallery, Bø Norway

2004,02         Agder Biennalen, Christiansands kunstforening., Kristiansand Norway.

2003              Jubileumsutstilling, Telemark Fylkesgalleri. Art Gallery, Notodden Norway

2002              Oslo kunstforening, Art Commitee, Oslo Norway

2002*             Sommerutstillinga i Seljord. [2002,1988,87,85] Anual Art Exhibition, Seljord Norway 

2001              Novemberutstilling, Skiens kunstforening, Kunstbanken, Art Commitee, Skien Norway

2001              Artist from Norway – Germany, Rendsburg, Germany.

1997-04        Potpourri, Telemark regional Art center, Øvre Frednes Culture House, Porsgrunn Norway

1998              Sommerutstilling, Skiens kunstforening Art Commitee, Ibsenhuset  Skien Norway

1997              Vårutstilling, Galleri Osebro, Art Gallery, Porsgrunn Norway

1995              Telemark med nye øyne, Telemark fylkesgalleri, Art Gallery,  Notodden Norway

1993              Fysstepremi, Samtidskunst med røtter i Telemark, Skiens Art Commitee, Skien Norway

1992              Kryss-Crossing border, Bergen Norway

1991              Taiga, Norsk Skogbruksmuseeum, Regional Exhibition, Elverum Norway

1991              Kunst til enhver pris, Format Oslo Norway.

1990              12 uit Telemark, Slot Zeist, Holland. 

1989              Tendenser, Gallery F15, Art Gallery, Moss Norway

1989              Landsdelsutstillingen NK Agder/ Telemark, Regional Exhibition, Kristiansand, Grimstad og Skien.

1988              Tekstil & Tegning, different Art Commitee  in Telemark.

1988              Tre tanter med følge, Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo Norway

1987              Tekstil i rom, Textile Exhibition, Telemark regional Art Center in Porsgrunn and Art Center in Oslo.

1987              Fra folkekunst til kunsthåndverk, Regional Exhibition,  Lillehammer Norway

1986              Design textile scandinave 1950-1985, Mulhouse France.

1985              North/South, Regional Exhibition, Svolvær Norway

1984              Varmland Lens Museum, Sweden

1976-98        Norske Kunsthåndverk, Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts Anual exhibition. 15x, Norway.



2018              Telemark County, Hjalmar Johansen High School, Skien Norway.

1992              Norsk Matforskningsinstitutt, University of Ås Norway.

1990              Telemark sentralsykehus, Regional Hospital, Skien Norway.

1989              Skien Art Gallery, Art Collection.

1989              Telemark County,  Art Collection.

1983              Norsk Hydro, Art Collection.

1983,85,87    The Norwegian Art Council, Art Collection.


2000              Porsgrunn Fire Station, Porsgrunn Norway

1999              Lilleaker School,  Oslo Norway

1994              Telemark District College,  Bø Norway

1990              Brønnøysund Town Hall. Brønnøysund Norway.

1987              Bamble High School. Stathelle Norway

1986              Notodden Institution for Psychiatric care. Notodden Norway

1981              NRK, Porsgrunn. Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Count dept. Porsgrunn Norway.


Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Telemark Art Center (2017-21)

Board Member of The Relief Fund for Visual Artist  2015 -2019 and 2019-2023  
Board Member of The Norwegian Association of Textile Artist and The Regional Association of Visual Artists.
Chairman of The State Grant Committee, The regional Art Center and The Regional Committee for Public Art.
Member of Price Committee At The Annual Art Exhibition for The Norwegian Association of Visual Artist (2018,16,15)



© Jorunn Steffensen / BONO

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